
Features of the next major expansion (Part 13)

Oct 28, 2020 | 0 comments

This is part of a series of articles that talk about many new features which will appear in the next major expansion. You can find past articles in our blog.

The expansion will be released on November 12. While we are actively polishing it, I want to tell you about some very important mechanics which, I’m sure, you will like.

You can search for footballers abroad!

During the open transfer window, you can send scouts to other countries. The higher the level of your scouts, the more countries you can send them to.

The order of the countries in the screenshot corresponds to their ranking. And the higher the rank of the country, the more gifted footballers play there. Therefore, if you want to find the averagely gifted footballers (which cost not very much), you can send scouts to the countries at the bottom of the list.

You will be able to buy footballers directly from other clubs

Now you can open any club from any country and try to buy any football footballer directly, bypassing transfers.

The price of the footballer will be much higher than if he were put in the transfer list. But with this new mechanic, you don’t depend on the transfer lists at all.

There are some restrictions though. The clubs will not sell footballers they have bought in this transfer window (it’s logical). Also, if the footballer is very important to the club, you will need to pay Glory for the club to even agree to talk about selling him.

Scouts reduce the value of footballers

The ability to buy footballers directly gives you a lot of freedom. Why do you need scouts when you can find the needed players yourself?

Previously, scouts made the footballers on your personal list cheaper. But on the extended list, the footballers were more expensive. The international list didn’t exist at all.

Now the scouts will additionally make cheaper all footballers who are on any of the transfer lists, be it an extended list or international transfers.

For each level of the scout upgrades, the price of footballers is reduced by 3%. Therefore, if you fully upgrade your scouts, the cost of the footballers on the lists will decrease by 60%!

This makes scouts a pretty good investment. Sure, the probability of finding the right footballer on the transfer list is not very big. But if you find the right one, you will pay for him the best possible price.

Other clubs will ask you to sell your footballer

Other clubs also know how to buy footballers outside of the transfer lists. Therefore, if they see you have the player they want, they will offer a good price for him.

Moreover, you can try to persuade the club to pay more. In some cases, you can get 300% or more for your footballer.

    This new mechanic creates interesting situations. After all, if this player is needed to another club, he most likely is needed to you as well. You will often painfully ask yourself: should you sell a promising footballer for good money or refuse an offer.

    More choice when selling footballers

    Previously, when you pressed the Sell button, the scouts found one club that was ready to buy your footballer And you were only limited to this club. This was especially unpleasant in cases where a footballer had to be sold to your worst enemy.

    Now, in most cases, you will have a choice of three clubs.

    One club will always try to buy the footballer for his transfer fee. The other two may offer a little more or a little less.

    But there will be special cases. For example, sometimes a club may offer significantly less but will try to persuade you with the help of Glory.

    Or it may be that the club will offer you significantly more money, but will ask you to split the payments into 2 parts. The first part will be paid now, and the second one – at the beginning of the next transfer window.

    Comment on what you liked most

    In our opinion, the new mechanics make transfers much more interesting. Waiting for the transfer window will be even more exciting.

    If you were waiting for any of these mechanics, write in the comments!

    Add the next major expansion to your Wishlist

    I want to recall you that you can already add Football, Tactics & Glory: Football Stars to your Wishlist (this way you won’t miss the moment of its launch (which is planned on the middle of November).

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